Our team

If you manage a school you will know that the past decade has seen a continued upsurge in legislation, compliance and inspection requirements as well as economic and political issues affecting schools. These, combined with the day-to-day challenges of running a school, can mean bursars and senior managers sometimes need to seek practical advice, share ideas with someone in a similar position or simply locate a listening ear.

Despite our name it is the school, not the bursar, who is the member of ISBA. This means that our dedicated team here is available to provide specialist advice and support to anyone at an ISBA member school - whether it is the bursar, head, governor, catering or maintenance manager or the office clerk. We can also open the door for you to a supportive community of hundreds of bursars who meet online and in person at ISBA regional group meetings, professional development events and at our ever-popular annual conference.

This means that every ISBA event, every post on our daily discussion forum, every phone call, every email and every online webinar will take you straight to someone who understands the issues you face and who can offer you real and practical solutions to help you manage them.

Chief Executive Officer

    Chief Operating Officer

      Advice and Guidance

        Commercial Business and Events

          Professional Development


              Regional Groups

