ISBA 2025 Annual Conference

Application for exhibition space at the ISBA 2025 Conference has now closed

Why Exhibit? 

The ISBA Conference provides a unique opportunity for organisations to connect with over 500 delegates, the majority holding the bursar or equivalent role.  These are people heading the administrative and financial management of schools and are key decision makers and budget holders in sourcing their school’s products and services.  The ISBA is committed to engaging with delegates through an energising and informative programme of speakers, and facilitating networking and business opportunities through a vibrant exhibition and interactive programme of social events

So if your company offers products or services that can benefit schools of any size then the ISBA conference exhibition offers a unique platform for face to face connection with these influential people. 

About the ISBA

Supporting and advising the bursars and senior management of more than 1,300 independent schools across the UK and Internationally.

The ISBA is the only national association to represent school bursars and senior support staff of independent schools, providing them with the professional support they need to manage their schools successfully and provide a world class education to their pupils.  It is also the largest of all seven member organisations of the Independent Schools Council (ISC).

Hundreds of bursars and school staff benefit from the ISBA’s specialist advice and guidance services online, over the phone and in person at regional group meetings and professional development events including the annual conference.

We also work closely with professional advisers to the independent school sector ensuring that our member schools have access to the very best information and guidance available in the marketplace.

For enquiries about future events please see the contact details below.

Exhibition enquiries:


T:  01256 373111