ISBA's popular termly magazine The Bursar's Review is distributed free of charge to the bursars and senior management staff of 1,200 member schools with a reach of around 3,500 people.  An online version of the magazine is also available for member schools.

The Bursar's Review features articles of topical interest, guidance from expert professional advisers and news from member schools.  We welcome contributions for the magazine from both bursars and professional advisers to the independent school sector.

Write an article

Send us topical and informative news of matters of importance to your sector that you think our member schools should know about for publication in the magazine.  Email the editor for a copy of the magazine's editorial style guide.

Advertise in the magazine

Attractive rates and packages are available to professional advisers and companies who wish to advertise their product or service to hundreds of bursars in The Bursar's Review.  

Click here to view a sample of the Conference edition of the Bursar's Review.

Click here to view a sample of the Spring edition of the Bursar's Review.   

Click here to view a sample of the Summer edition of the Bursar's Review.

Click here to view a sample of the Autumn edition of the Bursar's Review 

If you would like to register your interest in advertising in the next issue please contact:

Jayne Perry, Warners Group

Tel: 01778 391189


Buy a subscription to the magazine

The Bursar's Review is available by subscription for just £24.99 a year. This includes copies of the Spring, Summer and Autumn issues.  Please email us to find out more.



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