Member schools can advertise vacancies free of charge. Login to the members' section of the ISBA website and upload your vacancy information in the 'My Account' section. You can upload documents, such as application forms and job descriptions.
Contact the ISBA office for further information:
ISBA Recruitment
ISBA Recruitment are here to assist: for schools we offer a bespoke support service for all your school's recruitment needs, and, for prospective candidates we can provide advice on your next career move.
ISBA Recruitment offers member schools a professional, cost-effective solution when appointing senior operational roles, including bursars, directors of finance and operations (DFOs) and chief operating officers (COOs). With a deep understanding of independent schools and the unique demands of the bursar role, ISBA Recruitment delivers a high-quality, personalised recruitment process designed to secure the very best candidates.
Contact ISBA Recruitment:
Permanent Recruitment | Interim Recruitment | Mentoring |
ISBA Recruitment is your first stop for finding talent, building confidence, and strengthening your school’s leadership team.